Tuesday, March 20, 2007

North Island: prepare yourself.

After much antici- pation, the plan is in action, and the tickets have been purchased for the North Island trip of 2007. We have a break from April 6-16 and so on the evening of April 5 Laura, Nanette, and I will be out of here! We're going to fly to Wellington via Christchurch stay there for a few days, and then travel from Wellington to Palmerston North (via train and some friends) and then from P.N. we will make it up the North Island hopefully hitting Napier, Taupo, Rotarua, the bay of Pleanty and the Auckland peninsula (I really should know its proper name!) We'll stay in Auckland for a couple of days and then fly back to Christchurch, hopefully meet up with some friends there and then travel back down the south Island stopping in Timaru (middle of nowhere, NZ) with my friend Alex to see his parents farm. Yes we can do it all! And we will! Its still pretty hot in the north, as I've been told and they also have Black beaches! Can you imagine beaches where the sand is almost black? There are also glow-worm caves we want to see! And gysers! And extremophilic archaea. Well I guess any type of archaea...

In the last few days, I actually have done homework. I wrote something for my philosophy of bioethics class and I'm writing 3 lab reports at the moment. They're going very slowly.

Unfortunately there's not a lot of news to report! I hung out in the library for a few hours today and felt like I sometimes do at home (like a nerd!) but of course in a much more modern pretty library with lots of Kiwi's who Longboard (like skateboarding- except the board is longer!) all through campus.

Again, to make this less tedious, I'll put up some more pictures of random things around Dunedin: a) is the North Ground- which is actually is the Alhambra Rugby pitches- I walk through it every day to go to school. b) the building they put all the biotech spin-off companies from the University. c) Knox Pres. Church on George Street. We sometimes call it the House Of God (English accent required) d) the clocktower building in the centre of campus and e) St. Clair beach!

Have a nice night/day!


Anonymous said...

hey, i think you've got the order mixed up. C is the clocktower (judging by the clock on the tower) and D is the church (judging by the very pointy steeple.)
Can you put some black sand in a jar and bring it home for me? you know i like collecting sand. oh and take pictures. lots.

Jessica said...

Hey, my choir practices in Knox Presbyterian church. I feel so connected to you now. Neeeear, faaaar, whereeeeever you aaaare!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I want some sand too!!

Mare said...

So I have decided to post you some of my homework, since you don't seem to be doing too much of your own. What do you think? :P Will they even let you bring sand home? I though stuff like soil was taken away at customs because you could be bringing foreign microbes and junk home?